November 12, 2023 Dawn Sanders
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When was the last time you felt the pure joy that transcends fleeting happiness? Moments of laughter with loved ones, cherished holidays, or an enthralling read might bring fleeting happiness, but pure joy, the kind that ignites your spirit, is something deeper.

It’s akin to the awe and excitement of a child on Christmas morning, eagerly unwrapping gifts. Remember the anticipation of the your favorite ice cream or the thrill of waiting for the theme park to open after the school year? These moments were more than mere happiness; they were glimpses of pure joy, unburdened by the worries of the world.

As we age, the carefree exuberance of childhood often fades. Responsibilities and concerns overshadow the simple pleasures that once brought unadulterated joy. Yet, glimpses of that pure joy resurface when we witness the miracle of new life or see the radiant joy in our children’s milestones.

Matthew 18:3 (NIV) states: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

This verse speaks to the idea of embracing childlike qualities—such as innocence, purity, and joy—as essential for spiritual growth and entry into the kingdom of heaven.

Take a moment to reflect on five childhood memories that filled you with deep joy and excitement. Make a note of these in your prayer journal. Consider how these moments shaped your spirit. Perhaps it was the shared joy of a simple ice cream by the shore or the adventures of family vacations. Embrace the opportunity to revisit these moments with loved ones, immersing yourself in the joy of shared experiences.

In the Christian journey, we’re encouraged to reflect not only on our present selves but also on the innocence and purity of our childhood. Our formative experiences echo in our present lives, guiding our paths. Delving into these memories isn’t just a means of self-discovery; it’s a journey towards reconnecting with our inner self, guided by faith and spiritual contemplation.

Rediscovering joy doesn’t merely lie in recreating childhood experiences but in aligning our present selves with the purity and wonder we once knew. Through spiritual introspection and reconnection with our past, we unearth the joy that resides within us, a joy that transcends the temporal happiness of the world.

So, take this moment to reflect, not just on past memories, but on the spiritual journey that intertwines your past and present. In this union, may you rediscover the joy that springs from faith and reflection, guiding you towards a more profound sense of self and a deeper connection with the divine.

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